
Condoleezza Rice Essay

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Recently I have been extremely fascinated with politics due to the upcoming presidential election. Although I am of the voting age, I feel I do not know enough about how our political system works and the leaders within the different branches of government. Hence why I have chosen a previous political leader, Condoleezza Rice, to study in order to grasp a better foundation on the topic. In addition to this reason I have repeatedly heard her name in the media as I have grown up however I never knew much about this woman. Her role as a world/political leader has really resonated with me thus far as she is a woman and has broken many barriers in our society, something I find to be very admirable and courageous. In terms of Warren Bennis, one …show more content…

Rice’s role as the sixty-sixth secretary of state put her in a position where not only leadership was important but developing and maintaining relationships was also at the forefront; this is something that is essential in our field of study. In relations to Bennis’s book, On Becoming A Leader, Condoleezza Rice demonstrates three particular ingredients of leadership specifically named by the author, self-reflection, passion, and courage. The first ingredient self-reflection manifested itself when Rice was a young woman. She was in her second year at the University of Denver, majoring in music. She went to a music festival where she met students of greater talent. At that time she did not lie to herself about her talents, and consequently that ultimately benefited her in the long run. Next, Rice embodies passion as a leader. In her position as secretary of state she traveled more than any of her predecessors. In fact, she went to eighty-three countries in total! Someone that lacked passion for their position and did not love what they did would not put that much effort into their career. Finally, Rice shows great courage in her leadership practices. In her political career she has taken many risks, she is a woman of firsts. She was the first female African American secretary of state as well as the first ever woman to ever serve as a National Security Advisor. I feel that Condoleezza Rice exemplified great courage when taking on these leadership

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