Conducting An Ethical Study: Brisbane Youth Detention Board At Griffith University

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Ethics refers to the moral principles that guide research, the norms or standards for conduct that differentiate between right and wrong. Ethical consideration is very important in research because it help to determine the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviours. The main purpose of an ethical consideration is to protect the subjects from any possible harms, and to ensure the participants are voluntary and potential subjects have all the information they need to make an informed decision concerning study participation (Connelly, 2014). For the current study, ethics must be considered as there is a vulnerable group under analysis (adolescents). Prior to conducting a study, an ethics committee or a review broad must approve the study. To conducted a valid study, the researchers should be open in disclosing their methods and honest in presenting their findings. For example, fully disclose the purposes of their research, and most importantly, …show more content…

This will be required to contact the Brisbane Correctional Centre, Brisbane Youth Detention Centre, and Community based corrections for access to the detention facilities or the community corrections records. To conduct the interviews fully informed and voluntary consent must be received from the participants. Especially, for this study since we will be working with vulnerable group, it is critical that before an interview takes place, respondents should be informed about the study details and given assurance about ethical principles, such as anonymity and confidentiality (see Appendix 2). Furthermore, A consent form will also need to be signed or verbally agreed to by the respondent and their parent or legal guardian (see Appendix 3). This will give respondents some idea of what to expect from the interview, increases the likelihood of honesty and is also a fundamental aspect of the informed consent