Conflict Of Interest: Conflict With Interest In The Workplace

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2.0 Conflict with interest
Conflict in the workplace seems to be a fact of life. We have all seen the situations where different people with different goals and needs have come into conflict. (Zmorenski) And, we 've all seen the often-intense personal animosity that can result in certain relationships, individuals or the general public will place their trust and confidence in someone to act in their best interests. When an individual has the responsibility to represent another person, whether as administrator, government official, or trustee, then will occur a clash between professional obligations and personal interests arises if the individual tries to perform that duty while at the same time trying to achieve personal gain. Conflict of interest …show more content…

Therefore, the employees should know how to overcome the conflict. When an employee’s hard work are not be given good feedback by the others, the individual might be misunderstood that other people are not appreciate with what he had done. In order to avoid this kind of conflict with the colleague, the employee should learn how to give the good feedback to that person. This can avoid the particular employee to have conflict with the feedback given by the others. Moreover, when the evaluators are giving feedback to an employee, the evaluators should also respect the employee at the same times, they should avoid giving the feedback on personal criticism. If there is a choice, the evaluators should try to choose to give the feedback on the job itself instead of feedback about the personal criticism to the employee. There is no one would like to be disrespected. However, if the evaluators want to give the feedback that is not really be encouraged like on personal criticism, the evaluator can learn to give the feedback in a positive way and positive tone, so that the employee can accept the feedback easily. The feedback that is received by the employee might affect the future performance. There is a possibility that the employee might lose of confident rather than perform better about the feedback given. The evaluators should learn to put themselves in their own shoes. Furthermore, before announcing anything to everyone in an organisation, especially the things that regarding about an employee, the individual should look before he leaps. This can avoid his action from being hurting someone. The individual should know how to distinguish the official and private affairs. If he always put the private affairs together with the official affairs, this might be unfair to the certain