Define Cheat Essay

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Define cheat. Cheat as a verb is defined as deceiving and fraud. Plagiarism, the act of taking someone else’s work and putting your name on it saying it is your own, academic dishonesty. Most cheating falls under plagiarism. Stealing someone else hard work and using it for their own benefit. Put yourself into the situation, you have a final exam coming, you don’t know all of the material. It’s worth 50% of your grade! Knowing that if you don’t pass you fail the class and don’t get your credit. What is there to do? Cram session and study the entire book, trying to get as much information as possible? Write down all the answers and sneak you answer sheet into the exam? Or of course sit next to the smartest person in your class and just cheat off their answer sheet?
Cheating comes with major consequences. Cheating in high school and college are two diverse things. Unlike High School if caught cheating the student doesn’t just receive a failing grade on the assignment and receive detention. Students fail the entire class, possible suspension or explosion. Depending on the college you are attending and their rules and consequences vary, in Jan Archer’s article “The Effects on Students Who Get Caught Cheating in College” it is explained that if caught cheating it goes onto your permanent record.
In the article College Students’ Cheating Behaviors it states that most students didn’t feel regret after cheating because they believed that the lesson wouldn’t have any use later on