Corrupted In Cormier's The Chocolate War

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The Chocolate War follows the events that Jerry Renault must face the consequences of his actions after he ponders the question “do I dare disturb the universe?”. Jerry’s school is governed by a corrupt principal and who seeks helps of the violent gang who carries out the arrangements of the principal. When the gang assigns Jerry to sell the candy that was bought with stolen school money by the corrupt principal, he stares at a poster that reads “do I dare disturb the universe?” and he decides that he is going to. Standing up against the bullies and refusing to sell the candy, he suffers severe consequences. Resulting in participating in a boxing match where the other boy is twice his size and has to go to the hospital for the extent of his injuries. Cormier’s novel is a “coming of age book” and shows the reality of high school but also the reality of the real world. corruption of government officials are very real problems that many countries face and Jerry represents citizens who revolt against these types of governments. Disturbing the universe is like fighting for your own beliefs. If you feel like your beliefs are more important and more righteous then how the real world is playing them out, you right and you fight hard against that …show more content…

Holden Caulfield teaches readers to not grow up too fast, embrace childhood. Sara Louise Bradshaw teaches readers that self-acceptance and separation is a crucial characteristic of life. Mattie Ross shows us that even though loss is hard, revenge might not be everything to coup better. Finally, Jerry Renault shows us that disturbing the universe and fighting for your right might be the justified thing to do but it comes with consequences. Just like in real life all of these messages are important to consider and many people will face when growing up and developing their own