Court System: The Marbury Vs. Madison Case

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The judicial review process is an important aspect of the US Court system. The process involves the use of powers by the Federal Courts to void the congress' acts that direct conflict with the Constitution. The Marbury v. Madison is arguably the landmark case that relates to Judicial Review. The Marbury v. Madison case was written in the year 1803 by the Chief Justice at that time named John Marshall. Thomas Jefferson won an election on the Democratic - Republican Party that had just been formed creating a panicky political atmosphere having defeated John Adams of the previous ruling party. Adams had appointed several justices for the District of Columbia prior to being defeated. The senate had approved the commissions and the commissions signed by the president as well as being affixed with the government's official seal. However, the commissions were not delivered, and when Jefferson took office, he instructed James Madison the Secretary of States not to deliver them. William Marbury who was on the list of appointees petitioned the Supreme Court for a legal order compelling Madison to explain why he was not to receive the commission (Clinton 1994).
The chief justice resolved the case by providing answers to three issues. The first issue was whether Marbury had the right to …show more content…

Madison case implications was the establishment of a precedent, which is a legal decision to serve as an example in other court cases. The court is interpreted as having the power to review the acts of the congress as well as that of the president and thus can overrule the laws it finds to be unconstitutional. The bold ruling decision also established the Judiciary as an equal partner with the legislature and the Executive in completing the government system. In this regard, the constitution is the supreme law of the land and it is the Supreme Court that interprets the meaning of the constitution. It is, therefore, the duty of the judiciary to say what the law