Craig Maclennan Definition Of Leadership

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The definition of Leadership according to Business is: “The individuals who are the leaders in an organization, regarded collectively, and the activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this.” When I read this definition, I am reminded of my thoughts of leadership in the past. I have been a very successful and efficient manager but not always the best leader. A good leader incorporates the following practices to move from simply managing people to leading people: “Establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision, and coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of …show more content…

Mr. Mac as I now call him, was my OINC at Station Carquinez in Vallejo, CA in 1993 when I was a BM3 at the beginning of my Coast Guard career. Senior Chief Mac pushed me harder than anyone had. I did my best and he always asked for more. But he also gave me responsibility beyond that expected of a BM3 and placed his unwavering trust in me. My confidence grew and I became the Petty Officer and leader that I am today because of him. We stayed in touch over the years and he recently came back into my life and my career while I was dealing with a difficult situation. This time he supported instead of challenging me and helped me to regain confidence in myself. I plan on writing the thank you note to Mr. …show more content…

I plan on making the time to nominate and submit my subordinates for the many awards and recognition opportunities that are available, making a point of publicly recognizing my subordinate’s achievements at quarters, and choosing one event or personal achievement daily and praise individuals or a group effort to ensure that my department knows that I take notice and appreciate their efforts.
Make it a point to let people know about my confidence in their abilities. In order to accomplish this I know that I need to take a more hands off approach. I need to ask for a plan and accept it even if it’s not how I would do it, and allow my subordinates to execute it without oversight. Most importantly, I need to be willing to allow for the possibility of failure.
Enable Others to Act-
Actively listens to diverse points of views. I plan on truly listening with my mouth shut an open mind. I also need to ensure that everyone feels that their voice is important by asking for input and feedback.
Personal Values
The two personal values that mean most to me in the work environment are Professionalism and