
Crime Scene Investigation Perseverance

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When I think of the word "mystery", immediately thoughts of adventure, riddles and clues stream into my head. Every since I was a child, I had always been fascinated with the unknown and figuring out puzzles that others couldn't solve. My love for mystery influenced me to read books such as Sherlock Holmes or The Hardy Boys. Though I knew that I wanted to pursue my interest as a career, I did not know what it would be called. Now that I have found out, I without a doubt believe that CSI (or crime scene investigation) is my calling and destiny. This job gives me the ability too not only help the (black) community, it also brings out my most coveted skills being team effort, helpful and perseverance person. Crime scene investigation …show more content…

As a Crime Scene Investigator, I have to show as much perseverance in order to solve the case. This is because most crime cases can be the most difficult case to work on that I could leave it “unsolved.” There are some cases that could personally prevent me from solving and not put enough credit in it. I have perseverance because I am the type of person who would not move forward until I completely understand and solve a problem. This started when I was in elementary school when I was not a math genius and I would give up many times to get it over with. My math teacher taught this word to me before she could explain to me what I did not express. She told me that I have to have persevered because without it, I would never make it to the end. It is apart of growing up and making sure I stay focused on the end result. It will benefit my goals. This is an example of “keeping a good faith,” she said. Through that, the word stays in my head at all times. I felt like I need to remind myself that whenever I felt like I needed to give up, I should keep going. Giving up is the biggest problem to me because I know that if I did, I would ultimately regret it in the end. Growing up, I also learned that “whoever gives up is usually the weakest one.” As a Crime Scene Investigator, I would want to be able to solve a case without giving up on anything regardless of the circumstances and

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