Criminal Justice Career Paper

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There are many things you can do in order to pursue a criminal justice career, information needed is as follows: salary information, past job transitions , interviews, and educational requirements.
Federal, State, County, and local levels are where criminal justice careers are available. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics states that in 2016, around three million workers were in the criminal justice field.There are other jobs within the criminal justice system, such as corrections officer, homeland security, and working as private security for events. In today’s society women are more common in the criminal justice field rather than men who would have been seen as dominant in past times in history. Based on data provided by the FBI, women make …show more content…

Across the nation there is a continued, heightened focus on law enforcement, immigration, public safety, and security, which has created a high demand according to criminal justice careers . com .This growth is continuing into the next decade, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which estimates that police and detective employment will grow 4% through 2024. The bottom line: entry-level and high-paying criminal justice jobs are available now and into the future.
Criminal justice salaries vary widely based on the criminal justice career that you choose. I chose to be a police officer because police officers and detectives earned a median salary of $60,270, forensic science technicians made a median salary of $56,320 per year, paralegals, and legal assistants earned a median of $48,810, and corrections officers and bailiffs made $40,580 as a median salary nationwide.2,3,4,5 Additional factors that will contribute to the salary of jobs in criminal justice include education level, experience, and location. Entry level criminal justice jobs will typically pay less than mid-level criminal justice careers.(criminal justice degree