Crisis Resolution Home Treatment: Case Study

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When AA reported at the hospital in January in a bad state, Shockingly, his was released with plans to admit him the next day because there were no beds. Admission in a home care facility happened the next day through the help of Crisis Resolution Home Treatment (CRHT) who gave directions on how he could be put back on clozapine but didn’t really perform the task themselves. They however falsely indicated they could be called at any time but according to them, their role ended when they brought AA to the home. Something they didn’t tell the resident caregivers. When AA’s condition become worse and was extremely manic the caregivers called the CRHT who prescribed lorezapam and haloperidol to calm him, the police were also called in. No mental health assessment had been done. This was however requested by a mental health practitioner once he/she was consulted. A transfer to a psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU) was also recommended. Hand cuffed, strapped to a stretcher and lying prone, AA was transported in an ambulance to Wedgewood where he was kept in isolation and checked on every 15 minutes due to lack of beds in the intensive care unit. When he was found unresponsive, he was resuscitated and rushed to Ipswich PICU where he died 5 days later of …show more content…

They are however carried out to determine whether there were any lessons learned or knowledge gained from the events that took place pertaining to a certain case. This is particularly with regard to how people from different professions and agencies should coordinate in vulnerable adult or child care. These reviews are also carried out to determine or ascertain that procedures that are followed were ethical and evidence based. The recommendations that these review committees give are meant to help to enhance effective consultation between agencies and professionals (UK Govt,