Feminist Discourse Analysis: A Communication System In Society

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A communication system in society is language. According to Wardhaugh (1989 :1), society is any group of people who are drawn together for a certain purpose or purposes. As people always bring language in conversation every day, the language becomes a structure that used in the public for a specific tenacity of a group. For example the language used by a teenager with their friends is different from the language used by employees with their fellow workers. The relationship between language and society is very important and cannot be separated and stand alone because language as one of the bridge to make communication happen in society. The system of communication can be divided into two: oral and text. Text can be seen through the written text, …show more content…

Like definition discourse from Macdonell, Dijk also states that there is someone or some institutions using discourse as their own advantages by the power that they had. Dijk also states that CDA takes an explicit sociopolitical stance: they spell out their point of view, perspective, principles and aims, both within their discipline and within society at large. It refers that CDA has a clear stance in which the discourse will be described in the viewpoint other than those presented in the …show more content…

Lazar (2010), who uses feminist critical discourse analysis articulating feminist discourse praxis. He writes an outlines of a ‘feminist critical discourse analysis’ at the nexus of critical discourse analysis and feminist studies, with the aim of advancing rich and nuanced analyses of the complex workings of power and ideology in discourse in sustaining hierarchically gendered social orders
From the elaboration of the background of this study in the previous paragraph, the writer intends to observe the text from theguardian.com ,america-aljazeraa.com and Arabnews.com by using Sara Mills Model with the goal is finding the every portal news positioning woman and persuading the readers in these texts.
By discussing this topic, it will provide a different viewpoint that a story that is presented in a wide variety of existing news portal. Additionally, it will provide a new perspective to the public that the discourse is often used to bring a certain ideology and how a marginalized groups through language and certain grammatical