Critical Thinking In Nursing Education Essay

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Nursing education emphasizes the value of critical thinking skills to ensure that nursing professionals achieve success in their career. Critical thinking and reflection require nurses to question the underlying assumptions, facts, and arguments in order to develop new knowledge and skills. However, as MacDonalds-Wicks and Levet-Joness (2012) indicate, today’s learning and teaching methods do not support the development of high-level clinical thinking skills. Additionally, many educators often find difficulties incorporating technology in their teaching approaches and in the classroom. For the educators to overcome the challenges of using technology, they should become competent in different software applications and equipment.
Livesay, Lawrence, …show more content…

However, the fact that many nursing schools do not expose their students to simulated learning environments has contributed to poor performance in the field. Berox (2016) examined the level of student performance outcome through multiple patient simulations. The researcher employed an exploratory research design using a sample of senior undergraduate nursing students. He observed that 25% of the senior student could not use the surveillance tool to identify the patient complications while 41% could not demonstrate decision-making skills and critical thinking. Another 85% of them could not provide the right care to the …show more content…

Through a cross-sectional survey of nursing institutions, they gathered data using self-administered questionnaires. The survey involved 3349 nursing students and found out that those who had enrolled in private schools had higher competency levels than those in the public schools. The differences attributed to the fact that private nursing students are often exposed to a diverse working environment as compared to those in public

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