Critical Thinking Assignment

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Reflecting on the critical thinking activity, it was clear the kind of effect studying theories of personalities had on me. One part of the critical thinking assignment was to form a personal definition of normal behavior. The definition I put was, normal behavior is the set of overt actions that are accepted by the majority of an individual’s culture. In retrospect I excluded covert actions, which I have learned to be an important aspect of behavior and personality. I also assumed that a majority of people would accept the behavior as normal. After learning about social psychology, I would have changed accepted to endorsed, to empathize the likely dissonance between authentic feelings and socially acceptable behavior. The second section of …show more content…

Both apply to my career field of mental healthcare, because they influence how I interact with people. Before taking this class, I unknowingly felt that conditional positive regard was a must. Because I saw authority as a fragile social construct. When I explored the concept of unconditional positive regard deeper the robustness of what authority could be becoming evident. That authority did not come from a title, it come from having courage and leadership ability. I now strive to accept people unconditionally whenever possible. The second significant leaning point came from studying the object relation theorists, that there were more analytic knowledge then simply personal Oedipal conflicts in personal relationships. It was theorists like Margaret Mahler and Heinz Kohut who showed me that some early childhood traumas are not fully repressed and can be visible on the here and now. This was an important revelation for me, because before I was hung up on feeling that the root of most mental illness must be discovered though depth work. This outlook was severalty limiting. Because it would have caused me to treat those who lack insight unfairly. Finally, this revelation helped to me bridge the personal divide I felt for cognitive …show more content…

To me, seeing the concepts working within my personality worked. The unit two activity involved taking different Myers Briggs inventories to then preform a personal inventory of career choice, strengths and weaknesses. I found that putting this out in the open for my peers was challenging yet rewarding because of the insightful discussion that followed. The unit four activity was similar, however was longer. I liked that the professor put a greater focus on ideas that were likely new to students. The Big 5 was not something that I had heard about like the Myers Briggs, yet the same rigorous discussion followed. The case study assignments were helpful to see how different personality theories could enrich my appreciation of characters. Reading my peers case studies led me to see stories and people in a different light. Finally, the multiple response journals I did summering theories helped to crystallize the knowledge in the