Critically Analyse How Question Can Deepen Children's Reading Comprehension

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Questioning is one of several methods used to deepen children’s reading comprehension skills. Within guided reading sessions readers are encouraged to share ideas about a text and identify, explore, understand and create meaning from it. It is believed that questioning is at the very heart of comprehension and that teachers need to foster questioning to enhance students’ comprehension skills. (Hervey, 2006). As a student teaching with a passion for children’s literature for the purpose of this assignment I will critically analyse how questioning can deepen children’s reading comprehension of a particular text. Touching upon some of the issues that surround teaching, learning and assessment when specifically developing children’s reading comprehension. I will make reflections and links back to my own professional practice and development, referring back to part A of this assignment were I demonstrated a selection of planning, reflections and assessments of guided reading sessions with a small group of year two children.
The first objective of this assignment is to explore how questioning can deepen a children’s reading comprehension. As a student teacher I found …show more content…

A situation model that is made up of time, space, characters, causality and often something the younger reader can connect to through familiar experiences. (van den Broek, et al, 2005 …. And more). Pioneers such as Dewey and Piaget (….) would agree to some extent that learning takes place when learners can draw out experiences that have meaning to them. Dewey stressed that educators need to bring real life situations into learning to foster their learning and activate their prior knowledge so that leaners can solve problems through using similarities between existing knowledge and a new