Csfc/50sw Case Study

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Interviewee: USAF CMSGT within the AFSPC/50SW, aka Chief Expectation: Chief had textbook responses during the interview. He said, “As commanders (CC’s) take command, I expect that they bring a positive attitude while initiating their strategic initiatives for improvement. I expect the commander to learn the mission before making wholesale changes. However, I do expect the CC to make some change.” In my personal experience, I have seen many CC’s come in and make “wholesale” changes BEFORE learning the mission/project. Some of these decisions had created long-term effects (i.e. delaying mission), increased acquisition cost, and heavily affected the moral of the dedicated and the committed on 2+ year’s development. What is Successful? Chief believes …show more content…

I don 't have an issue with social media as a method for communication, but there are many things that cannot be released to the public due to their sensitive nature. Over communication is great in my opinion and letting folks know about changes really increases the buy-in.” I completely agree with Chief about the “face-to-face” communication. It is of my observation that we as AFSPC/USSTRATCOM, rely too much on emails for making important decisions. Of course, we all may have a different definition of “important”. Regardless, I believe “face-to-face” communication will always be the best method of communication for important decision making and relationship building. One caveat, VTC is a unique alterative or method of communication; however, even VTC doesn’t carry the same effects as personable (relational)