Cultural Interaction In Early Childcare

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Interactions are one of the most important elements of early childcare and education. As a practitioner, I now understand the importance of quality interactions between practitioner and child, as they help build strong relationships especially when the activity is meaningful and enjoyable (DCCC, 2012). Interactions in Happy Days Playschool are warm, nurturing and respectful, but through the Aistear-Síolta (2015) self-evaluations, I discovered that at times my interactions were often superficial or directive, which was denying me the opportunity to fully tune into the child’s learning and to build secure relationships with the child. Síolta (2006) acknowledge that the role of the practitioner in terms of ensuring constructive interactions with children is demanding, but through reflective practice, I was able to ‘slow down’ my every day interactions, particularly the technique of scaffolding in order to enhance children’s learning outcomes.
Vygotsky (1962) stated that we learn through our interactions and communications with others. Vygotsky proposed that social interaction proceeds development and children learn tasks and abilities through …show more content…

Our National frameworks for early childcare, Aistear (2009) and Síolta (2006) highlight the importance of diversity through many of their standards and learning goals. However, before this research I had very little understanding of cultural diversity and viewed cultural diversity as something that was celebrated as an add-on to our curriculum. Through reflective practice I have realised that cultural diversity is not just about those who we perceived to be different or those who come from minority backgrounds, but it includes all backgrounds and culture of all children in our playschool. Share et al (2012),? describes culture as a set of practices that take place in the texture of everyday life within households, families and