Curricula Of Identity And Practice

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Lesson 5: How do you create an Experiment for Space Exploration?
Curricula of Identity and Practice:I The curriculum of identity is the focus of this lesson. The students will be taking their own interests and creating an experiment that will be conducted on the International Space Station (ISS). In addition, the curriculum of practice is being targeted for the students to act as scientists to formulate their experiment for someone else to perform it while on the ISS.

Introduction: An introductory video ( of the top 10 coolest experiments performed on the ISS will be shown. The students will then answer the following questions: o What is an experiment that I would like to perform …show more content…

They will then write on these post-it notes their curiosities, questions, and predicted challenges in understanding/completing an experiment in space ( Once everyone has completed their post-it notes, they will be placed on the appropriate chart/area in the classroom. Upon reviewing the post-it notes, have a classroom discussion about each category and how the post-it notes can be addressed.

Formative assessment
• The presentation that they give to their peers as well as the presentation they will give to other individuals.
• The reflection will include answering the question at the end of the presentation about what were the challenges and accomplishments of the lesson.
• Graphic Organizer to be able to compile the research in a comprehensive manner.

Ongoing assessment
• Through the class/group participation, the teacher is able to assess what knowledge the student has learned as the lesson goes …show more content…

As a team they will first need to determine the different aspects of space probes that need to be considered when building and launching the probe to wherever was decided.
• After the brainstorm is complete, the students will be paired off to complete research on one particular aspect of creating a space probe to then come back to be presented to the team.
• Once all of the research has been compiled the team will begin a sketch of their space probe, rationale behind their elements of the probe, how each part works, and a detailed budget of the probe/orbiter.
• All of this will be compiled as a group into a multimedia presentation for a board using scientific evidence to rationalize their choice of instrumentation, launch time, and what will be explored. In addition, the presentation will include a sketch and/or a 3-D representation of the probe/orbiter, and a budget. The group presentation needs to convince that their probe/orbiter is better than the other part of the class.
• Each ½ of the class will be presenting their multimedia presentation to the board (made up of other teachers or scientists if available) who will decide which part of the class will “win” the contract to create their probe.