
D1 Explain The Importance Of Collaborative Working As A Professional

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In this assignment, we want to explain the importance of collaborative working as a professional and how important it is to make effective communication with colleague and service users to provide the best possible service and how to strive through achievement as a professional. The national health service has been created on the fact that it’ll be available to everyone without considering wealth. So, the service is available for everyone equally based on their clinical needs without expecting them to pay. In March 2011 seven principles has been published which have been followed by the NHS core values, which is called the NHS constitution. First principle is that the NHS provides the best possible service for everyone without considering their gender, religion, beliefs, age or sexual orientation and help them to improve their mental and physical wellbeing. Second principle is service being available for everyone for free. Service users don’t have to pay …show more content…

Also asking for feedback and reflecting on the service is important. The fifth principle is working in partnership with different organisations which follow the same principles of the NHS constitution to provide the most effective and high standard care. The sixth principle is providing fair and maintainable service for the taxpayer by the NHS. The seventh principle is that the NHS is responsible for the service users and people in the community’s health. This principle shows that the decisions that are being made in the NHS needs to be explained clearly to the public, patients and to the staff.
There’s got to be an up-to-date statement to set out NHS responsibility towards the service users. The principles of the NHS are also followed by the NHS values. These values have been developed by help of patients, public and staff which underpins whatever is done in the

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