Danielson Teacher Evaluation Report

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Mumford Academy is in the process of transitioning from it's prior E.A.A. evaluation system into the DPSCD Danielson teacher evaluation system. For the past two months, school leadership has been norming themselves under the Danielson rubric to develop a clear understanding of the new evaluation system. Under the Danielson Rubric tenured teachers are observed four times during the year. Two announced observations as well as two unannounced observations. The observation sequence for non-tenured teachers consists of at least two announced and four unannounced observations. In accordance with the article, Mumford’s annual teacher evaluation provides school leadership with data to help their teachers grow professionally. Moreover, our new evaluation …show more content…

Teachers received training on how they will be rated and the justification of their rating. Congruent with the article, the wording and phrasing within our evaluation leaves no room for ambivalence. Without clear objectives numerous of amounts of evaluations can be disputed thus tying both up administrators and teachers time and energy. Yet again our teacher evaluation rubric aligns with article. School leadership provides models of ineffective, developing, effective, and highly effective teaching across all subject areas. Mumford Academy’s school leadership, in conjunction with DPSCD, has determined that evaluation is centers on Domains 1e: Designing coherent instruction, 2a: Managing student behavior, 3d: Using questioning and discussion techniques, and 3d Using assessment during instruction. Although the article state that all measures are to be taken into account Mumford’s school leadership team has weighted classroom discussion (3d) more than the other four. The rationale for this is grounded in our school improvement plan of creating student dialogue across all