
Death Of A Salesman Morality

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The Morality of a Salesman: Why Linda is the Most Moral
What is morality? The word morality has a large variety of definitions. For example, allaboutphilosophy.org defines morality as “a system of behavior in regards to standards of right or wrong behavior.” However, merriam-webster.com, on the other hand, describes it as “conformity to ideals of right human conduct”. For the purposes of this paper, morality will mean the ideals and qualities of the characters that are considered good or bad by society.
All four of the main characters in Death of a Salesman, Willy, Biff, Happy, and Linda, display their own forms of morality throughout the story. Of these characters, though, Linda is the most moral. Linda did as much as she …show more content…

She does everything as simple as putting stuff away for them to as major as taking care of them when they were unable do so for themselves. Linda always encouraged her kids in everything they did and tried to convince them to succeed. She also constantly reminds Willy of all the good he has in his life throughout the …show more content…

For example, she is constantly reminding him of everything he forgets. She also makes sure he is prepared for everything before he leaves. She cares so much for him that she will changes what she is doing if it brings him the slightest inconvenience. For example, she doesn’t know why the stockings bring him so much discomfort and pain, but she doesn’t question him and puts them away when she is in the middle of mending them when he asks her to. She also worries about his wellbeing relentlessly. She gets nervous and scared when he takes too long to come to bed. She is so concerned for his mental health that she literally begs her own children to not disturb him, in fear that it may push Willy over the edge. On top of these things, Linda is also nice to everyone in the play even when they are not to her. She never gets angry with Willy when he yells at her and tells her to stop interrupting him. She also does everything for her kids, even though she doesn’t have to. She is always nice to Charley, their neighbor, when he comes over. She also treats Bernard as one of her own kids when he comes over in the

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