Causes And Effects Of The Decline And Fall Of Han China

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The causes and effects of the decline and fall of Han China during the classical era had similarities and differences when compared to the political, economic, and social causes and effects of the decline and fall of Rome during the Classical era. First of all, the political causes of China’s decline and fall centered mostly around corrupt government officials. Corrupt officials would not pay taxes which upset the peasants and in turn caused political unrest among the Chinese people. Similarly, Roman emperor Caligula didn’t care about the well-being of the Roman Empire and instead preferred spending his time partying and having orgies which bankrupted Rome and led to a raise in taxes. As a result of raised taxes political unrest began to spread throughout Rome. Unlike in China, Roman generals would interfere in the Roman government, which led to political decisions not being made by the emperor but instead by generals who were not educated in politics which caused political instability within Rome’s government. On the other hand both Han China and Rome began to lose their …show more content…

First of all, in both China and Rome careless spending by the government led to raised taxes. As a result of the raised taxes peasants and commoners became upset because their jobs didn’t provide them with enough money to pay the higher taxes. Additionally, both empire’s economies slowed down significantly resulting in a decrease in cash flow. This cause both economies to become unstable and ready to crash. Finally, unlike in Han China, Rome’s economy depended partially on trade with other outside civilizations and when trade decreased many merchants were left without merchandise which led to less tax income for the government and less cash flow throughout the economy. To conclude both Rome and Han Chinas economies suffered due to inflation while a decline in trade only affected