
Definition Essay About Love

619 Words3 Pages

Ms. Woods
English 015
9th December, 2016
Everyone at some point of time in their life has experienced love. Either they have been loved, or have loved someone. Love seems to be the main goal that we all look for in our life. It is the only thing that we all the human beings have in common. Many people have a hard time in finding words to describe this intense feeling, because everyone’s experience and meaning to love is different. People describe love upon how they have perceived it or how they have experienced love in their life. However, we still go throughout life searching for it, without ever giving up. There are different types of love; family love, love between friends that is friendship, conceptual love, and intimate love. …show more content…

There is no selfishness in this type of love. It is the affection of a mother on her child, and care of a father to his children. It is a fight between a brother and a sister over a simple thing. It is a sharing of experience or sharing of the stories of young days of a grandfather to a little child. It may even be the strict rules that parents enforce upon their child which the child might feel unfair upon them. The great part of this love is that you can be yourself, make mistake, and you will always be forgiven and always be loved and cared. The love shared between friends is similar, but there are certain boundaries that should not be crossed. These boundaries are different with each friend, but are usually somewhere along the line of not messing with each other or back biting. Friendship is a love between friends which means that you have someone there to talk to especially about the things that you could never tell your parents. This type of love is sharing your experience of your first crush in elementary school or taking blame for a childish act that your best friend committed such as, stealing a pack of gum from the convenience store. Friends are always ready to help you, when you have a problem. They are like a backup force to you. They never say no to

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