Definition Essay On Pain

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Have you ever wondered what is pain?, how or why do we feel it?, and what do we do stop the feeling of pain?. Well in this paper you will get the answers to these questions. First and foremost the definition of pain. According to Oxford dictionaries define pain as: “Highly Highly unpleasant physical sensation caused by illness or injury.” The International Association for the Study of pain defines pain as: “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage.” As matter of affect, there are many types if painful physical and psychological pain are in included in the mix. As humans we felt pain for many years most likely even our ancestors. According to National Center for Health Statistics (2006), approximately 76.2 million, one in every four Americans, have suffered from pain that lasts longer than 24 hours and millions more suffer from acute pain. As you can see most of us do suffer from it can be chronic, acute and many more different types of pain. …show more content…

The way we feel the sensation of pain is due to our neurons in our body. Neurons are group of cells that are specialized in sending messages throughout the body. Addition, to that they are the backbone of our central nervous system and essential for our brain to detect pain. So, when they send signals to our brain we feel the sensation of pain of course it is not that simple there is a lot of transmission that goes between the cells, affected area and the brain. Finally the last question that I will help you to answer is the way we can stop pain. We use pain medications but I will talk about how it works to stop the feeling of pain. We will also talk about specifically