Definition Essay On Salvation

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According to me, salvation is a broad term that one can only understand by making references to the Bible and applying Biblical knowledge in the definition of the same. In simple terms, it is simple belief in Christ. That is supported by the Acts of the Apostles 16;1 which says that once an individual believes in Jesus Christ, he will be saved together with his household. Because of that, no one can be saved without accepting Jesus Christ as the Lord and savior of his life. No matter how good an individual becomes, he has to believe in Jesus Christ so that he can be saved. That point is supported by the Book of Galatians 2:20 in which Paul writes to the Galatians informing them how he has been crucified together with Christ. Because of that, he no longer lives. Instead, it is Christ that lives within him. The life that he lives in the body he lives it by the faith that he has in Jesus Christ who is the Son of God. Because of that, It …show more content…

Romans 6:14 talks about a saved person not living under the different requirements by the law but under the grace of God. When this happens, a saved individual should not struggle with sin anymore. He or she should have God’s grace to guide him whenever he is tempted. In 1st Thessalonians 5:23-25, we are informed that a saved person should be pure and free from sin. I means chastity comes with salvation in Christ. Because of that, anyone who proclaims salvation in Christ should not be vulnerable to certain forms of sin. However, many would argue that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). This verse has always been used by many individuals that claim to be saved yet are still slaves to sin. Going by that, it somehow challenges my belief in chastity that comes with salvation in Christ. According to me, anyone who is saved should lead a holy life just the same way our God is