Definition Essay On Worldviews

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Worldviews are interesting. Not everyone knows what a worldview is or even that they have one. A worldview is basically how a person sees the world and what values they have on that view. Questions like “Who am I?”, “Who is God?””What values are really important and what ones are best for me and for humanity?” and “What are people like?” are considered while going over one’s worldview. Who is God? God is not just an old philosopher that sits in the clouds, with the really long, white beard. He is someone for us to turn to when times get rough and tough. I think God is all powerful, but mostly doesn’t make things occur. He knows what is going to happen, but he doesn’t just say to Himself, “I’m going to make it snow in Reykjavik,” or “Let’s cause a tsunami in Tokyo.” Also, I believe that God has no gender. That just seems sexist or unfair to me. Our trust and guidance is based off of gender?! The reason people call God ‘He’, is because Jesus was male. For …show more content…

Definition of Person: a human being Definition of People: multiple human beings Humans are strange. There are so many characteristics every person has. People can be kind, mean-spirited, caring, misunderstanding etc. all at the same time. Sometimes though, one characteristic outshines the others. I’ll make sure to not leave my stuff alone, for fear of someone getting it in their head to steal it. At the same time though, I am so trusting of people, that I will intentionally leave my locker unlocked. Everybody has views, bad or good, extreme or not. Human nature is to defend ourselves. When it comes down to defending our views, things can get ugly. Friendships can be ruined, communities torn apart, wars can even be started. If a person makes a mistake in life, they should get a second chance to change and get over it, and shouldn’t be shunned for the rest of their life because of