Definition Essay: What Does Freedom Means To Me

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What does freedom mean to me? According to, freedom is powerful, and our country's freedom is based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, which was put into place in 1789. The United States of America had no other choice after the negative treatment from Great Britain’s government to declare its own freedom by writing its own constitution. Freedom is not taking someone's civil rights, restraint to the point of slavery, or the ability to do so. We were born free on this land but are we really free? Freedom is what every human being strives for. To have the mindset to choose for themselves where it does not violate anyone else's freedom. The Bill of Rights guarantees many freedoms, such as the freedom of speech. Freedom is not just about what society wants us to believe but how it affects teens growing into adulthood, or the mere fact of self-control and how do we as a people desire to change the outcome.

The idea of freedom is important not just to me, but to everyone. It is …show more content…

It took many constitutional amendments and Supreme Court cases to finally give the same rights to all United States citizens ( of Rights). So many people (blacks and whites) before you and me paved the way for all us to have equality and to live as one. So many lives were lost, imprisoned, beaten, and lynched for the sake of freedom. For those two little girls in Topeka, walking on the packed earth of a railroad switchyard, reminding us all that education in this free land is less free for some children, the journey is longer and more fraught with pitfalls, then and now (Brown v. Board An American Legacy). Whatever happened to the pursuit of happiness and securing the freedom we were born into? Freedom stands for so many things but as future leaders of our nation, where do we start and how does this turmoil