Definition Essay: What Is Trust?

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According to trust is, "reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, ect., of a person or thing; confidence." However, it is not that simple to define. It is something that all people want and is maybe the most vital. Trust is one most important thing in any relationship. Trust is not easy given to others. It is rather earned. It involves believing in each other, knowing both with cherish and neither would let each other down. As it continues to grow, it develops into different meanings from experience. Trust associates deeply with the ability of reliance, the ability to be honest and the ability to display loyalty. Trust is not only shown by responsibility, though it is also present when people show reliability. One of the most important aspects of trust is being to place confidence in another person. Reliability defines as someone who is dependable and confident. There are things shared with friends that one doesn't want their parents to know. As I considered my best friend, Ysabella the ideal person to be. Throughout middle school to high school, I saw changes in her as she acted different with other people than how she would act around me. One day, …show more content…

It occurs, especially with friends, breaking someone else's confidence by telling their secret to a third person. Confidence is a part that structures trust, in friendships, people that are confident a secret should maintain their promise which is worth losing a friend, in this case a best friend. Honesty is necessary for trust to exist in individuals. Another aspect of trust is providing honesty and being worthy of it. Within relationships, honesty means someone who is sincere and that always tells the truth. My cousin's car