Definition Of Success Essay

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To me, success means that one is able to be in a contented state despite the obstacles that have affected them. Although the goals that one sets are not always reachable, being successful means that the person is able to accommodate in order to reach a satisfying alternative.

Everyone’s opinions vary, but I believe success is reaching a degree of homeostasis in a psychological manner. Because our world is constantly changing and evolving,maintaining a complete homeostasis is not realistic. But the effort to continue being stable despite the complications that arrive is what makes a person successful. Unlike most assumptions, I believe that success is a state of mind and it does not necessarily rely on material things. It is not something that another person can decide for anyone, but rather it is for one to decide for themselves. For example, one person could be wealthy and consider themselves successful, while another person can see themselves as successful because they have been able to raise a family. It all depends on what the person sets as their goal and the steps that they have taken to get there. …show more content…

To be successful, one has to know how to adapt and be willing to make change. If there is no growth and development, there will never be improvement. Success is not given to those who simply wish for it, actions need to be made for oneself. No one can work for someone else’s success, because each person is different and success is a self fulfilling process. Success does not rely on where a person ends up, but rather where they started. Throughout a person’s life there will be many obstacles and lessons that shape who they are depending on what choices they make.”Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome” is a quote by Booker T. Washington that represents this idea

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