
Desegregation In Schools Essay

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“More than 62 years after the Brown vs. Board, the nation is still wrestling with how to integrate our schools. Recent evidence indicates the problem has been worsening.” states Roda in Remedying School Segregation. Though we may not see it and it may not be as bad as it was in the past, it still is affecting our students today.No one is enforcing any rule to prevent this from happening.Resegregating schools leads our society to a place without peace and success. I believe that the U.S government should provide financial incentives to enforce desegregation in schools.

Demographic changes in the nation and in many states have made the picture more complicated. As percentages of dropouts increase and the number of graduates decrease,the concept …show more content…

Cascio states, “Although Brown vs. Board of Education ostensibly prohibited segregated schools, ten years after its passage, the vast majority of southern school districts remained completely segregated. This analysis suggests that financial incentives could be an important contributor to desegregation.” Schools must reach a certain position to be awarded the incentive. By giving incentives schools are more likely to enforce rules and create a better environment.

Many deny this plan and state that we should spend the money elsewhere. The money should pay for busing,living arrangements,and healthier school lunches. “One might argue that, assessing a policy such as school desegregation, the dimensions of interests should be the quality of resources available to student. Instead I focus on an aspect that is a necessary intermediary for virtually all potential effects of desegregation--interracial contact.” states Charles in After "Brown": The Rise and Retreat of School Desegregation. I believe that making the environment that a child spends most of their time in, is the most important thing. Every student should have the same opportunities. Every student should be cheered on to take that

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