Desire Is Again Proven To Be A Tool For Establishing Freedom In The Argument Totally Free

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Unit 1 Essay “That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Thomas Jefferson proves the independence between great britain and the United states, which help us protect our freedoms. Establishing and preserving our freedoms come in many different forms and everyone has a way of expressing or showing their freedoms. The most important tool for establishing our freedom was the desire. Desire is the most important because it is wanting or wishing for something. It is one’s very own freedom. In the short story The Pedestrian Mr.Leonard Mead expresses his desire by walking around town at night. “He would stand upon the corner of and intersection and peer down long moonlight avenues deciding which way to go…” He walked around town every night, in the dark, by himself for years. Until a police voice stops him from walking and takes him to “the psychiatric center for research on regressive tendencies.” Desire is again proven to be a tool for establishing freedom in the argument Totally Free?. In the argument the author states that “ freedoms should not conflict with your right to lead a safe and happy life.” this helps justify desire …show more content…

However they are wrong because protesting is something everybody can do, and does different ways, life protesting to not stand during the national anthem, or your own rights. In the argument Totally Free? I validate my point. The author uses the Bill of rights to say that they did not say “Everyone is free to do as he or she chooses. They said “Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of