Developmentally Appropriate Practice In Early Childhood Education

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Early childhood education is based on appropriate child development characteristics and emphasizes the importance of the early experience of children. Moreover, it includes curriculum planning, teacher education, learning standers, ethical practice and program quality rating system like the (NAEYC). Which writes the Developmentally Appropriate Practice which is made to support excellence in early childhood education through decision-making based on knowledge about individual children and child development principles combined with knowledge of effective early learning practices. There are many program models for early childhood education we covered 5 program models in ECE314 class which are High Scope Foundation, Project Approach, School of Reggio Emilia, Montessori and Waldorf Education. Each program has unique features focused on points different from the other but all of those programs follow the (DAP) principles because, they believe that this is the best way to develop children’s properly. These programs are good and useful for both teachers and students because it provides teachers with innovative models to help them in teaching children’s and help the student to develop the three domains of child development. In addition to …show more content…

(2009). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8. National Association for the Education of Young Children. 1313 L Street NW Suite 500, Washington, DC 22205-4101.

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