Diabetes In Health And Social Care Essay

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In the modern world, chronic diseases have become a problem. A chronic disease is a disease that persist for a long time. In the United States, one of the most common types of chronic diseases affecting the population is diabetes. There are different types of diabetes but type 2 is the most common among the American citizens. Type 1, also called or juvenile diabetes typically has an onset in childhood and is caused by a failure of cells to produce insulin in the pancreas. Type 2 on the other hand is caused by impaired insulin production or insulin resistance and commonly affects the older generation.
The most recent estimations suggest that there are around 200 million people with diabetes worldwide. This number is huge and the fact that there is a huge number of people who are undiagnosed presents a gory image. By the year 2025, the global prevalence of diabetes is expected to rise to 333 million. The disease is associated with a …show more content…

This is done to find out whether the services are delivered as intended and whether these services are reaching the groups that need them. This is done through local checks, visits and feedback from patients and through monitoring the national data on hospital admissions and outcomes (Campbell et al., 2017). Dealing with social determinants of diabetes is another form of intervention employed. The likelihood of development of diabetes is affected by social determinants of income, education and access to nutritious food. This is because it is unrealistic to encourage a patient to maintain a healthy diet when he/she cannot even put food on the table. Therefore, government food programs like Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and volunteer programs like Meals on Wheels are encouraged which make a considerable difference on

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