Diet And Analysis Assignment

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Diet and Analysis 1
Since the beginning of this assignment, I had three goals in mind. The first goal was to cut down on pork. This is something that I knew would be extremely difficult for me but it was something that needed to be done. The first week was easy, I consumed a lot of chicken and ate some salmon one day. Salmon is very expensive unlike pork, so I cannot eat salmon regularly but I ate it nevertheless and it was a good alternative for pork for the time being. I did well the first week but the next week I started having problems. I ordered a pepperoni pizza from papa johns, and by the time I realized it I remembered pepperoni had pork in it something I should have known. It was so good, I ate it but then I got the feeling I always do whenever I eat pork. This feeling is hard to describe but it makes me feel terrible I knew then that I had to stop for my own good. From then on until about the 4th week I didn't eat any pork. The fourth week I and my girlfriend went out to eat and I couldn't help but get a bbq sandwich. Something changed when I ate it, I didn't feel a terrible feeling anymore and I realized that it's ok to eat pork just not too much pork. My family has a history of High blood pressure and by not eating pork it lowers …show more content…

This is something that I knew was going to be difficult but I'm not a quitter and I knew I was going to stick with it. The tricky thing about loosing weight for me is that my weight always fluctuates. When I started on week one I weighed 179 and I stuck with my diet for the first week and I was down to 177. The second week I stayed at 177 but I gained a half pound. It's hard to pinpoint what gave me that half pound but, since I strayed away from my diet in the week I think that was the reason. Between the third and fourth weeks, I lost one pound then gained another. I have been noticing a trend with my weight, it seems that whenever I stray away from my diet the weight starts to add