Christian And Islamic World View Essay

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The difference between the Christian world view and the Islamic world view
In the following paragraphs I will discuss the major differences within the Christian and the Islamic world view.
Islamic World View
The Word of God and Revelation
The Quran is the Word of God (Allah) and the dominant emphasis of revelation. The Quaran was given to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel, even though Muhammad was just the receiver by whom the message or the word had been handed too. Even though Allah spoke through numerous seers (such as Moses, David, Christ etc), the Quran invalidates everything of these preceding revelations. (Muehlenberg, 2013) The Quran is the ultimate, faultless, and collective message of Allah. Scuffles concerning the Bible and the Quran are because of Christian and Jewish modifications and exploitations of the Biblical text. (Muehlenberg, 2013)
Allah is totally transcendent and unreachable to humanity. They have …show more content…

(Muehlenberg, 2013) The Islamic world view does not acknowledge the Holy Spirit and Muhammad is regarded by some Muslims as the consoler or counsellor, which Isa promised in the Bible book of John 14:16.Therefore it is clear that the Islamic faith does not recognize the Trinity like the Christian world view. They believe that Allah is one and to worship any person other than Allah is godless, infidel’s, irreligious and unjustifiable. (Muehlenberg, 2013) The Christian world view or faith worship God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. (The Islamic faith incorrectly comprehends Christianity’s view by the doctrine of the Trinity: God the Father, The Holy Spirit, and Jesus the Son.) The term “Son of God” is also blasphemous to the Islamic Faith, for they believe that God did not take a wife or woman and in the flesh produced a child. (Muehlenberg,

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