Digital Forgery

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Today, we are living in digital era. Over the past decade, technology has to become one of the important technologies for creating, processing and transmitting and storing the information. Unfortunately, there are some people are misuse of the technology for their own profit. One of the computer crime that happens nowadays is digital forgery. Digital forgery is the process of making, adapting or imitating objects, statistics, or documents with the intent to deceive or make it usually large amount of money by selling the forged items. Digital forgery will happen when false picture due to easy manipulation of the photography and video through copy and scan features. For instance, people who alter the bad original picture to improve its appearance …show more content…

There are some policies that have been created. For example Webster University Journal has come up with a policy for the ethical use of photographs. There are some manipulation technique that has been allowed and some of them are never be allowed. For example, adjusting the brightness and contrast the photo, correcting the color, burning and dodging, cropping a frame and retouching stretch from the photo are allowed. While adding, moving or removing the object frame, changing the color that is difference from the originally looked like are not allowed. In Saudi Arabian, they have their own laws to avoid the digital forgery that named as “Anti-Forgery Law”. According to the Article 5 in “Anti Forgery Law” it state that any employee who commits forgery, during his employment by making a false deed or a false manuscript, or by altering the real one, or if he fixes a signature, a seal a finger print, or destroys an official deed or papers of legal authority, whether the destruction is in full or in part, he shall be liable to imprisonment for a term from 1 to 5 years …show more content…

They are using the algorithm to detect the duplication. These algorithms can detect most duplication in both high and low quality compressed video which relatively few false positives [4]. Nowadays there are cameras with a special technology that can avoid the digital forgery. For example, the camera can digitally print the custom signature at the bottom of the picture. By using this way, people cannot stealing what could be copyright and can avoid them from manipulated the photo. The most popular software that are use for editing is Adobe Photoshop. Adobe has created a photo authentication tool to the software. There are two tools that are use by Adobe which is Clone Tool Detector and Truth Tool Detector that can help stopping digital image forgery. According to the Math (2010), Prof. Hany Farid has lately drawn attention of researcher worldwide by reporting digital image forgery problem. He developed the techniques how to detect digital image forgery. They are various ways how to manipulated the image like affine transforms such as translation, scaling rotation and shearing. Compensation operation like color, brightness, contrast, adjustment, blurring, enhancements and suppression operation such as filtering, compression and noise addition. [3].
The issue