Digoxin Research Paper

129 Words1 Pages
Digoxin is a cardioglycoside that delivers a positive inotropic and negative chronotropic effect on the heart; slowing conduction of electrical impulses and strengthening myocardial contractions1. It is used in the treatment and management of congestive heart failure and supraventricular dysrhythmic conditions including atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, and paroxysmal atrial tachycardia2. The active component of Digoxin is digitalis, which has been used in the UK for over 200 years as an extract from the Digitalis lanata belonging to the foxglove species. This was discovered by William Withering and published in his paper in 17853. Digoxin has been clinically licensed as Lanoxin in the UK since February 19874. Digoxin is chemically inert