Direct Lobbying Advantages

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Sandra Hodges Sherry Sharifian 2017SU-Govt 2306-74427 25-May-2017 Assignment 2: 1 Advantages of Interest Groups & PAC’s Educating the policymakers regarding an issue and need is very important to the interest group and is very key. There are different ways of doing this. One strategy is called direct lobbying. This involves interaction with actual decision makers with the government. The lobbyists target the congressional committees because that is where most bills are written and revised (Barbour, 2015). They provide facts and data to the congressional decision makers and find a way to raise money in order to make cash donations to form a political action committee (PAC). This will give the interest group an edge on getting …show more content…

Educating the public is very important and this involves what is called issue advocate ads which are advertisements that support the issue and candidate without telling people how to vote. Also holding social protest would be another way to use indirect lobbying. The lobbyist can plan a peaceful orderly demonstration with all the ordinary citizens that have concerns regarding the issue (Barbour, 2015). It’s still unclear of what the lobbyists get in return for food, drinks or entertainment. With today’s todays rules we will never know who the recipient of the free perks are or what they did or did not do in return for them. The most important things that matter are never disclosed 95 percent of the time (Ramsey, 2015). Statistics show that more money is spent by lobbyist on the Legislative branch, Representatives and all legislators invited. The majority of the money is spent on food and beverages and entertainment (Ramsey, 2015).
1 There are three benefits for interest groups. Material which is the actual goods and services that come from belonging to an interest group. Solidarity which is emotional and psychological enjoyment for members that belong to an interest group whose members that share the same interest and goals. And the third which is Expressive indicating that feelings of satisfaction people feel from working with an interest group (O'Sullivan) Overall there are many different types of interest groups that affect all American …show more content…

There are several issues that this Political action committee is backing and trying to get laws and new regulations implemented such as the Open Carry and Campus Personal Protection. This group supports open carry and concealed carry and they are very active in working with the legislature to elect the right people and change policies and laws that apply to open carry regulations (Cox, June, 2014). The more supporters a PAC has like this the more money and power they have to be heard. The typical voter must vote in order to be heard and if you are a voter of anti-gun and anti-open carry the odds are already against you because the money it takes to get face to face with the elected officials that make these decisions is typically way more than any individual could afford. This is the biggest advantage of a Political Action Committee and the power and advantage they have over the American