
Disadvantages Of Going To A Community College

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For People, college can be a big deal. It marks a new beginning, the meeting of new people, and quite possibly can determine what you do for the rest of your life. So, determining a school to go to is a very important step. There are some options for students that live near Cape Girardeau. One choice is that you can go to Southeast Missouri State University. Another choice that you have is that you can choose to go to a community college like the Cape College Center. So, what are some of the advantages and disadvantages to going to the CCC over Southeast Missouri State. One advantage of the CCC is that the class sizes are much smaller than the ones on Southeast’s campus. At the Cape College Center class size average is about 15-30 people per class room, but the minimum for a class is seven people, whereas on campus there are lecture halls of upwards of 300 people. The …show more content…

The problem with this is that you have two e-mails for two different schools for different reasons. You have the Southeast e-mail for your Southeast classes and for your payment plans. You also have your Three Rivers e-mail, you have this for your Three Rivers Classes. The problem with this is that it would be easier if you went through one website like you would if you would’ve went to Southeast Missouri State. Another disadvantage to going to the CCC is that you won’t meet as many new people as you would at Southeast. At Southeast, they’ll throw you into a lecture hall of 300 people and they expect you to learn and retain all this information. Most likely you won’t retain it all, or you’ll have a sick day and need to catch up on notes which will make you ask one of the 300 people that are in your class for the notes. Also at Southeast you can get a four-year Bachler Degree unlike you would be able to at the CCC. That the CCC you are only able to receive your Associates

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