Discrimination In The Workplace: Article Analysis

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This article talks about transgender people struggling to get jobs. Their struggles to survive at a job with discriminations and sexual abuse. Their lifelong war of getting accepted by their surroundings. Their strive to be treated respectably and equally. Young transgender people in New York often end up sleeping on the streets or in subway cars. Roughly 15 percent of transgender Americans earn less than $10,000 a year. They are twice as likely to be unemployed as the general population. There have been Bills introduced in Congress, that protects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender workers from discrimination, yet none have passed. This article was really eye a opener for me. First of all, the article talks about the third gender of our society. This is important because I feel, we live in a world that never acknowledge this gender with complete humane rights. And this is the year 2017, the world is 4.5 billion years old by now. If not now, then when are they going to be treated equally? …show more content…

Yet, an average transgender Americans earn less than $10,000 a year. It particularly blew my mind because this is America. I come from Bangladesh, a small developing country where transgender are as good as invisible. Their only way of income is walking as pairs all day under the sun and asking people for money. I only expected better from America. This is why, It’s shocking to know that transgender Workers struggle for fairness on a daily basis. That is truly in every possible way unacceptable and