Dispersed Leadership Theory In Teams

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Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 2
Approach and Structure of the Dispersed Leadership Theory in Teams 4
Definition 4
Leadership Types 6
Table 1: Characteristics of the Three Leadership Types 8
Assumptions of the Model 9
Related Leadership Concepts and Theories 11
1 Empirical Illustration of the Dispersed Leadership Theory in Teams 12
2 Agenda for Future Research 14
3 Strength and Limitations 16
4 Concluding remarks 17
References 18

1.0 Approach and Structure of the Dispersed Leadership Theory in Teams

According to Bryman, (1996), there is no one consistent definition of leadership, which not useful. Yukl (2010) argues that most definitions of leadership refer to the assumption of a process whereby one person intentionally influences other people in order to guide, structure and facilitate their activities, which are embedded in a team or an organization. Other definitions are broader in meaning, for example, Stogdill (1950) defined leadership as the process of influencing group activities in an effort to set and achieve goals. Similarly, Katz and Kahn (1966) defined leadership as “any act of influence on a matter of organizational relevance”. Thus, all definitions have in common that leadership refers to processes of influence in organizations which are directed toward the manipulation of organizational behavior.

As the starting point of the DLT is to understand who or what exerts influence on follower’s attitudes and behaviors, existing leadership