Diversity In America Essay

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Diversity in America is an ideal that many other countries lack or cannot seem to get a grasp of. America has established itself as ‘The melting pot’ of the world. America is the shining beacon of hope to people who came to seek refuge and shelter from the parts of the world that were and are stricken by poverty. The Irish came when their crops failed, the Jewish came when they were being persecuted and executed by people who wanted power, the Mexicans came when their countries were filled with drugs and crime and they just wanted a better life for their children and their loved ones. But there are some people who do not feel like everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the ‘American Dream’, they feel like it is sacred and should be …show more content…

And hands, hands gleaning with coal or planting wind mills in deserts and hills to keep us warm.” This quote from One Today says that we are all connected, the earth connects us by land and by need for survival but in the 20th century many people felt that they were above the people with different colored skins and people who worshipped different Gods. And this is still an issue even in the 21st century. The diversity among people in general is doing more harm than good for our world and society today. As a country we present ourselves as a whole but when you come inside our country we are fractured and broken. Some effects that diversity has on us is separating us into groups and labels we do not need to be separated into. There is war in our own country being fought on streets and in homes that never need to take place. People who are troubled, and scared of diversity are “armed for slaughter”-On The Pulse Of Morning. We turn to violence in hopes of securing ourselves in peace. We place the blame on people who do not need to be hurt anymore to avoid pointing the fingers at the true cause. The true cause of the violence being seen in America in the 20th and 21st centuries is violence that never needed to start. So many bullets have been shot from so many guns out of fear and hatred. When all anyone in America wants is to be safe and happy and live the American apple pie dream.