
Does The Internet Make You Smarter Or Dumber Analysis

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Internet’s Effects on Society The creation of the internet was probably one of the most genius inventions ever, but since the arrival of the internet to humanity the world has changed, and not everything has been good for the people. Humanity is becoming overly obsessed with the internet, now everything must work with internet. The internet is a great tool, don’t get me wrong. But it has evolved in so many ways that it is causing problems for a lot of people, and the saddest thing is that people don’t even notice it. As expressed on the article “Does the Internet Make You Smarter or Dumber” by Nicholas Carr. The internet is becoming a distraction to people, is making people multitask, which in many cases could be dangerous, and even you don’t …show more content…

Nicholas Carr states, “people who juggle many tasks are less creative and less productive than those who do one thing at a time” (22) For example, texting and driving. In order to drive all your human senses need to be working, and if you’re going to be texting at the same time, well driving is going to be a lot harder because now you’re focusing in two things at the same time. As stated by Nicholas Carr, “Heavy multitaskers performed poorly on all tests. They were more easily distracted, had less control over their attention, and were much less able to distinguish important information from trivia”(23) that is why you could lose control of the steering wheel because you’re focusing on typing the right words in order to send a message, because you’ll yourself get distracted and start to perform multitasking activities, so your brain has to keep changing between driving and texting or any other multitask activity and is either you lose control of the car, or your text is not properly writing for the other person to understand. Many people think that they could multitask and everything is going to be great, but there don’t realize that by doing two or more things at the same time, they may end up doing none. If you’re trying to multitask, at the end one of the tasks you are performing is going to …show more content…

Back then, children would go outside to play with friends around the neighborhood, now that is rarely seen in our community, because children prefer to stay home connected to the internet. During a reunion people had to talk to each other and make a conversation, now you’ll see people looking at their phones all the time and not talking to the person that is next to them. People are becoming lazier because the internet does everything for them. As Nicholas Carr states, “Whereas the internet scatters our attention, the book focuses it. Unlike the screen, the page promotes contemplatives” (23) I took it to mean as back then if you wanted to do research you would go to the library, look up a book and read, that would give you knowledge and it will more likely for you to remember it. Now you just open a page in the internet ask the question, and there is your answer. Sure it is faster, but did you learn anything? Did it stick to your head? No, a couple of minutes later you won’t remember what the internet told you, because you did not do research, you did not read and learn about the subject like you would do if go to the library and read the

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