Doing Designs For Specific Customers Essay

400 Words2 Pages

Analytic Paper 7
Leadership Series
Andrea Krtinic: PNI Digital Media
“Doing Designs for Specific Customers”
Drayton van As

1. Introduction: Andrea Krtinic came in to the class to talk about her experiences in the industry and how she got to the point she’s at. The main aspect Andrea focused on was having to do different designs for specific customers. The main takeaways I got from Andrea was: Speak the language, working with and managing others, network, and just go for it! This analytic paper will explore these takeaways and the statement of “Doing Designs for Specific Customers”.

2. Doing Designs for Specific Customers: Andrea Krtinic is a Marketing and Merchandising Coordinator for PNI Digital Media. Andreas role focuses on marketing support services and content merchandising such as themes, products, categories, analyzing trends, recommendations, and measuring results. Andrea Krtinic has plenty of experience in the industry, also she holds many fantastic experiences networking. The statement “Doing Designs for Specific Customers” really inspired me, and as Andrea expressed she feels it is something essential graphic designers should know. Not all of PNI Digital Media’s clients are looking for the same design and style for their websites and stationery cards. Basically, having an ability to work with many different design trends and styles is a great asset to graphic designers such as our class. …show more content…

Day to Day: Andrea went into a long explanation of her day-to-day experiences in the industry. She needs to work with: account managers, project managers, developers, web programmers, HTML designers, graphic designers, and the clients all on a daily basis. This was an interesting piece of information for me because it just really shows how many languages marketing individuals need to speak to a designer, client, developer, and senior staff. These day to day experiences aided in my final takeaways from Andreas