Don Pablo's Restaurant Servicescape Paper

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The servicescape that I will be discussing is Don Pablo’s Restaurant. The Don Pablo’s Restaurant that I examined is located at 1860 Deptford Center Rd, Woodbury, NJ. It is a Tex-Mex restaurant chain that offers basic Tex-Mex dishes, and alcoholic beverages, in a family-friendly setting. I chose this restaurant because it is one of the only Tex-Mex restaurants that serves adult drinks that I know of near the Glassboro area. Don Pablo’s Restaurant is an elaborate interpersonal service. Servicescape has a tremendous impact on how the consumer feels towards the service provided. I will talk about two negative characteristics that I experienced while eating at Don Pablo’s Restaurant.
The first negative characteristic that I encountered while eating at Don Pablo’s Restaurant was the temperature of the restaurant. It was overbearingly hot in the place. This ambient condition made me uncomfortable sitting at my table with my friends. We wanted to go grab a …show more content…

The central air conditioning system in the restaurant needs to be inspected and repaired if the restaurant is always that hot. The consumers will not enjoy sitting in unbearable heat. The heat issue will surely continue to reflect on the restaurant in a negative way in not dealt with soon. The servers will appreciate the cooled down environment too and will most likely be in happy spirits as a result. The dirty floors, booths, and dishes were unacceptable, but can be dealt will in two ways. The first way for Don Pablo’s Restaurant to fix their cleanliness issue is by implementing a new system of cleaning. The second way to fix the problem is to hire new staff or replace the old staff that is not doing their job correctly. The way an employee acts at his or her job can greatly affect an outsider's view on the company that the employee is working for. If an employee is doing things that are detrimental to the company, then the employee should seek work