Donald Sterling Case

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Donald Sterling was one of the owners the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers from 1981 to 2014, but the owner ship of the Los Angeles Clippers was taken from him after a conversation where he repeatedly used racist remarks was leaked to the media. Because of these racist remarks Donald Sterling is infamously know as one of the worst bosses in the sports industry. In the case of Donald Sterling and most bad bosses the power over which he held over the employees was crippling and created a hostile work environment. The members of the Los Angeles Clippers are signed to the team under a contract. Unlike a normal employment agreement the team member could be held in breach of contract if they chose to leave the team. The team member who were signed under Donald Sterling now reported that they felt threaten by Mr. Sterling, and …show more content…

He has a long standing reputation for being unpredictable, and not very empathic to employees. In an article discussing Donald Sterling and his bad behavior as a boss. The article discusses how Donald Sterling vetoes a team member that needed cancer treatment. When the member contacted him about making an exception for the treatment Sterling said, “If they made an exception for him, they would have to do so for everyone.” Was this decision biased on race? The team member was a minority and often wonders this. The article go’s further labeling Donald Sterling “as the worst owner in professional sports.” (Witz, 2014) This incident was before the leaked racist conversation. Yet, Sterling claims, “When I listen to that tape, I don 't even know how I can say words like that. ... I don 't know why the girl had me say those things." "You 're saying you were set up?" Cooper asked. "I 'm not a racist. I made a terrible, terrible mistake. And I 'm here with you today to apologize and to ask for forgiveness for all the people that I 've hurt." (Ismael Estrada and Catherine E.

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