Donald Trump's Arguments For American Voters

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American Voters desire an Authoritarian figure like Donald Trump Americans fear what they don’t understand. However, in 2016 People that voted for Obama would also end up voting for Trump. In fact, American voters are easily conditioned by the media rhetoric, when news target is a certain ethnic group talking about crime, poverty and terrorist attack. For example, the news media correspondents warn us that possible terrorist attacks will happen just like 9\11. Additionally, to make information credible they will interview a speaker from homeland security go into great details causing more anxiety to American psyche. More importantly, History shows how Americans fear and not trusting the government, media and politic things from the past, …show more content…

The Americans concern about conservatism not looking after their best interest in the future of America. While, American political focus is on single issues like same sex marriages and the Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals policies during Obama administration, causes American’s to have questions. Do Americans have regrets voting for a black president and to save face they voted for a man that fit the foundering fathers image. “Trump is the only candidate that understands what the American voters wanted during the debate to help gain popularity amongst the voter (Kilgore, …show more content…

Reporters take heavy casualties, much to be the delight of the public. At every packed rally, Trump gestures with sarcasm and contempt toward the news cameras in the back room. “They won’t turn the camera and show how big the crowd is,” he taunts, “The media is so dishonest, so dishonest!” By the end of the campaign, Trump rallies have regularly broken into thousands chanting “CNN sucks! CNN sucks!” The audience boos with “The news media proves to be Trump’s most powerful, determined, passionate, and pervasive enemy. What they fail to realize is that their action will make The Donald the B’rer Rabbit of politics, begging not to be thrown in the briar patch when it really is where he wishes to be (p.167,