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Critique of transformational leadership
Critique of transformational leadership
Assesment 1 on transformational leadership in organization
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“If you want to become a great leader, you need to prepare yourself to become a great leader, and the best way to do that is to study great leaders.” (Schembechler 7). Being a leader means defining and exhibiting moral and ethical courage and setting an example for everyone within any given group. Being a leader helps you teach leadership skills to your family, friends, and employees who will then help do the "heavy lifting" of moving the masses from where it is today to where it needs to be in the future. In today's day in age, people will believe that great leaders are born to lead.
A leader is someone who stands out from the ordinary. A leader is someone who takes the interest of others and pushes them and motivates them to become a better person. We all have a leader that we look up to, and mine just happens to be my very own father. Growing up my father always said, “When you are a leader you don’t look down on the people below you, instead you get on their level and help them, put just as much work in as them, and that’s a leader.” My father started up his own company from dirt, and he even had people buying his RV’s in Europe and across the world.
Leadership is the ability to guide people without forcing direction. An individual who leads and organization can establish a clear vision by providing the necessary information for their staff. If you are hired for a leadership or supervisory role, you should be able to lead in a positive and professional way. This sets a good example for your employees. A leader can encourage and inspire others to achieve and reach their highest potential.
The first leadership role I would like to mention is my role as an assistant teacher/helper during the summer at our local Boys and Girls Club. The next leadership role I would like to mention is my role as a VBS teacher at my church in Starkville, Ms. I would like to be able to acquire more leadership roles and such in the future to further my leadership horizon. ~What Being a Leader Means to Me~ There are some key things that make a leader a leader to me. The first one is not panicking in the presence of mistake or failure. The second thing is a strong sense of courage and willingness to lead with pride.
”Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. ”(John F. Kennedy). Changing is a very hard and tiring. No one likes to change, no one likes to be told what to do.
To me, leadership mean being responsible and someone who can manage time really well. A leader can walk their followers to the right path of success. Someone who is in control because of their personality of trustworthiness and always deliberative from the world which is unpredictable. I currently exhibit leadership while working on any project for my college or high school classes. I take the role of a leader and always work diligently enough to get good compliments from peers and instructors.
Hopefully in the coming years I can do more service and help more people. I would consider myself a leader, especially in the classroom. For example, whenever we do labs in science I find myself taking control and assigning tasks for the other members of my group to follow. I am also a leader when it comes to group projects in
A major characteristic a leader has to have is the ability to have composure and carry a load on their shoulders. They have to be someone that when others working beside them and have a question or problem they know they can come to them for a solution, everyone in the shop assured me whenever they have a question that Bear is the very first person they go to. I personally think you have to be able to know you can always go to someone like that with confidence that they are there to help you and not criticize or critique you, Bear also agreed with me on that. “This is the perfect role for me, as the leader here I understand that they rely on me whenever they have a question and I always welcome that, because I am always trying to help them learn so they can always do their
When it comes to leadership, I feel more than qualified and that comes from being able to take initiative while being kind. Though some
You always behave, get work done on time, respect others, show your manners, and etc. Being a leader means you set a certain criteria for everyone around you and not show them what they should be, but show them that they have the potential to be that and more. To be a leader you must be supportive of your peers, help those in need when possible, you must be able to preserve through adverse situations with critical thinking, and above all inspire yourself and others to strive for the best of their
Depending on the situation, I see myself as an authoritative, democratic, affiliative, and coaching leader. As a leader, I feel I am really good at keeping my team organized and prepared. I am always willing to have an open ear, as well as help problem solve. I am always very positive, empathetic, and compassionate. I am intrigued to learn and try new things, as well as grow with my team along the way.
Although I do not have a position in leadership yet, I believe that leadership does not only apply to large-scale events, but group work and responsibility in oneself's own actions as well. To me, leadership does not mean that someone can boss the entire group around, but to create a positive relationship with peers. Being able to build trust among your associates is the fundamental base of a relationship with the people that will be part of your life, which is also an essential part of leadership. I decided to join STEM, which allowed me to understand my potential with leadership. During group projects, we would make decisions together as a group, instead of separate individuals arguing over what to do.
Leadership defined is a person who takes initiative to aid others during their every day activities. They makes sacrifices of their time and personal interests for others. I believe I fit this description because I take time out of my day to help the people around me who need it. I help my sister with her English homework. I also help classmates with their English work.
We can all agree Walt Whitman was a man of many words, phrases and lines that made us all reread, sit and think. I was given a random part of the 1855 version of Leaves of Grass, and challenged to dissect Whitman’s writing. The first line says “I speak the password primeval….” After looking up the worked primeval in the 1844 Emily Dickinson means original. Which is why I titled this paper “Original Password”.
Cultural Immersion The more we seem different, the more we are essentially the same. Cultural differences often make people think that there is something wrong with or dangerous about others. People often are afraid to experience things that are different because they fear what might happen to them. Some people view others from different cultures as less than or not desirable.