
Douglas Farr Essay On Urbanism

1947 Words8 Pages



At one time Americans got to their destinations on foot and had everything they needed within proximity to their household; people lived locally, they settled in one place and stayed there. People walked to their workplaces and children walked to their schools. American president Abraham Lincoln famously walked six miles each way in order to visit the library. But then cities expanded and people in order to escape the density and attain their so called American dream started shifting to suburbs or satellite towns outside the city. This suburbanization not only caused urban decay in the main city but also made their dwellers completely dependent on automobiles for their transportation.
According to Douglas Farr “The belief that an optimal society or an evolved community can be created through every individual pursuing his or her own heightened self-interest is being put to a severe test and many would argue that it has failed badly. Our lifestyle, to put it simply, is on the wrong course”.
Due to dependence on automobiles people have become experts at creating spaces with ever …show more content…

Garages can be seen from the streets but do not dominate it. Homes are situated 50 or more feet from the street. Moderate surveillance (windows) 6-7 du/a or more. Garages are not seen from streets. Houses are situated 30 ft. from the street. Fair surveillance to street (windows). 6-8 du/a or more. No garages seen from street. Homes are 10-30 ft. from street. Good surveillance (windows/porches) 6-10 du/a or more. No garages seen from street. Homes are 10-30 ft. from street. Good surveillance (windows/porches)10 10-12 du/a or more. Few garages seen from street. Homes are 10-30 ft. from street. Good surveillance (windows/porches) 10-20 du/a or more. No garages seen from street. Homes are 10-30 ft. from street. Good surveillance

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