Downtown New Castle Swot Analysis

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The Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Assessment is intended to be a structured method of identifying and evaluating those internal and external factors, both favorable and unfavorable, that affect Downtown New Castle’s ability, in its current/historical location, to fulfill its role in the “Big Idea,” something necessary for the entire community to achieve success. This analysis should be used to: a) identify Downtown’s competitive advantages, building on strengths and taking advantage of new opportunities, b) identify barriers or limitations that might have an adverse effect or limit success, and c) explore possible solutions to problems. An important objective must be to establish tactics for converting weaknesses or …show more content…

Incredible history and heritage

There continue to be several fine architectural examples of the late 1800s and early 1900s building architecture. There are _____ buildings Downtown listed on the National Register. Immediately north of Downtown is the historic Old Town neighborhood that reflects the mining area residential development, also with a number of homes characteristic of the community’s early railroad and mining history. This sense of history is unique to this location and cannot be realized elsewhere in the community.

In addition to the buildings, there is a colorful history that compliments the architecture Downtown. The town was named after the English coal mining town Newcastle upon Tyne and it became a bustling mining town. Many people and stories make this part of New Castle unique and interesting, ranging from early pioneers that investigated and traveled through the Colorado River Valley, the people who settled and grew the community, their folkways, arts, costumes, rituals and other traditions. There is no other part of New Castle that can effectively convey the stories of early life in western Colorado and fulfill this part of the Big Idea – that is “connecting the past, present and future.” Heritage tourism attraction, built around this history, can have a positive economic effect on the community and help to build its branding and marketing

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