Dr. Jonah Berger's Contagious: Why Things Catch On

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What makes things explode in the virtual world? Some things instantly become the morning water cooler talk, but why? There is no mistaking that virtual world and word of mouth has profound effects on businesses regardless of size. However, the “gurus” of social media claim it is all about luck. Thus, there is no strategy for making things go viral or to get people talking. In theory, this makes sense; however, there is no proof of such luck. There is no analytical backing or data to support this theory. This theory was born simply on guessing why a business became successful. Unlike the social media “gurus”, Dr. Jonah Berger tells a different story. In his book, Contagious: Why Things Catch On, describes five principles that spark …show more content…

Dr. Jonah Berger describes it as bragging rights. Or in other words, things we talk about to make our self-look good. So, does Rodan and Fields offer plenty of social currency? The answer is yes. What is remarkable about Rodan and Fields is their undeniable sixty day money back guaranteed results. This direct sales skin care line is so confident, they have a sixty day money back no questions asked guarantee on every product they sell. Sure, a potential customer can view before and after pictures but, that is not enough to see the products. But by offering a sixty day money back guarantee, it makes the consumer feel like they are in control. Another social currency that Rodan and Fields is they make the customers feel like they are an insider with their preferred customer (PC) program. This program comes with a one-time fee and give the PC a discount on all the products and free shipping every sixty days on orders over eighty dollars. Also, the PC has access to the latest news and access to new products before it hits retail. Therefore, the PC has inside scoop on the latest and …show more content…

Dr. Jonah Berger hones in on the importance of emotion. As, we are connected to each other through our emotions and determines our behavior. If we value something, we want to talk about it and share with others our experience. Dr. Jonah Berger’s research tells us that the higher the arousal emotions such as anger or amazement are more likely to encourage the consumer to share their experience. Rodan and Fields tackle the confidence emotion. A face is typically the first thing someone sees and if a person is haunted with bad skin, chances are they have no or low confidence or self-esteem. Rodan and Fields not only markets their skin care products but also how great skin can change a person’s